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  • Istituto di BioRobotica
  • Istituto TeCIP

Robotic devices for rehabilitation: SANT’ANNA school researchers gather for A conference organized by FONDAZIONE DON GNOCCHI at MARINA DI MASSA

Publication date: 28.10.2018
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Sant’Anna School researchers will gather on November 16 at Centro S. Maria alla Pineta - Marina di Massa for a review of the latest research findings on robotic devices for upper limb rehabilitation: "Riabilitazione robotica dell’arto superiore: esperienze a confronto".  The conference organized by the Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi in partnership with SIMFER (Società Italiana di Medicina Fisica E Riabilitativa) and SIRN (Società Italiana di Riabilitazione Neurologica) will gather clinicians, scientists and engineers to discuss the advances in wearable assistive robotics.

Nicola Vitiello, professor at the BioRobotics Institute will give his talk on "Dispositivi indossabili per un welfare sostenibile"Antonio Frisoli, professor at the TeCIP (Communication, Information and Perception Technologies) Institute, will focus on "La riabilitazione robotica nel paziente post-ictus mediante esoscheletri e tecnologie di realtà virtuale", and  Stefano Mazzoleni, researcher at the BioRobotics Institute, will address the issue "Parametri cinematici e metriche di valutazione funzionale per la riabilitazione robotica dell’arto superiore in pazienti post-ictus subacuta e cronica".

The Conference will include state-of–the-art round-table discussions. Experts will address specific research areas and clinical issues associated with neuro-rehabilitation to restore muscle functions and help patients regain the ability to perform activities of daily living. As neuro-rehabilitation is required especially during the early stage of diagnosis and intensive direct physical therapy sessions are required to influence neural plasticity and brain recovery, wearable and lightweight robotic devices will allow patients to engage in exercises on their own, either at home or in the hospital.

The conference is open to the public. Click here to download the agenda.