Archive Seasonal School 21-22 Back to 'Seasonal Schools' Archive '21-'22 Next-generation Cyber-Physical Systems: Software Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, and Design Methodologies Cybersecurity - A multidisciplinary perspective IACH - InnovACtion in Health care: strategies, performance and data management MEDSKILL - Development of MEDical SKILLs by Simulation CESM - Circular Economy And Sustainability Management: Managing the transition towards a circular economy PHOTONS-@: PHOTONIC TECHNOLOGIES FOR SENSING APPLICATIONS ARTIST - 5G/6G networks trAnsfoRming The dIgital SocieTy ECLIRE - The Ethics of Climate Change: Reshaping Responsibilities for Present and Future Generations Management of innovation and common good African Perspectives: Change, Conflicts, Connections Advancements in postharvest technologies INSIDER - Innovazioni nel Sistema della Rappresentanza The Data Society: Rules and Methods for AI and Privacy AgriDev - Climate resilient, biodiversity-based agriculture for sustainable development TWIST - Trasformazioni del Welfare, Innovazione Sociale, Diritti e Terzo settore CROSSROADS - The Never Ending EU Crises and the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak TRUST – TRansparency, Integrity and AnticorrUption in a public-private SysTem Issues on China: Innovation, Society and Culture AIRONE - Artificial Intelligence and RObotics in exteNded rEality Climate Change and International Law: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Agent-based models in Economics: theory, toolkit and policy laboratories Exploring sea and space: technologies, opportunities and challenges - edition 22 Attachments Open new browser tab to file: Brochure Seasonal School 21-22 PDF - 2.6 MB Open new browser tab to file: Timeline Seasonal School 21-22 PDF - 534.05 KB
Next-generation Cyber-Physical Systems: Software Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, and Design Methodologies
CESM - Circular Economy And Sustainability Management: Managing the transition towards a circular economy