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Short bio


2024 - now  Associate Professor and Head of the Computational Neuroengineering Lab @ The BioRobotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

2017 - 2024 working as Assistant Professor and Head of the Computational Neuroengineering Lab @ The BioRobotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

2014 - 2017 working as Post-doc Researcher @ The BioRobotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in the Translational Neural Engineering group with Prof. Silvestro Micera and in the Human Machine Nexus laboratory with Dr. Calogero Oddo

2009-2013 Working in the Neural Coding group of Prof. Stefano Panzeri @ Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences Department of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

2007-2009 Post-doc researcher in the Computational Neuroscience group of the Institute for Scientific Interchange of Torino - collaborating with Prof. Nicolas Brunel, CNRS Paris, France.

2007 - PhD in Neurobiology at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA/ISAS) of Trieste in the lab of prof. Vincent Torre

2003 - Visiting student at the Neurobiology Department of University of California, San Diego in the lab of prof. William Kristan.

2002 - Degree in Theoretical Physics at University of Pisa with prof. Leone Fronzoni

1978 - Born in Firenze, Italy.


An overview

  Computational Neuroengineering Lab

Basal ganglia dysfunctions and behavioral disorders

  Parkinson and pathological gambling

  Learning from DBS implant microrecordings

Sensory processing in upper limb neuroprosthesis

  we got the cover of the 1st Issue of the 100th volume of NEURON!

  NEBIAS project

  Texture discrimination on eLife

  neuromorphic fingertip on IEEE TNNLS

Spiking neurons network models

  Dynamic regimes in the thalamus on PLOS ONE

  LFP modeling on PLOS COMP BIOL

Bioelectrical medicine

  working in collaboration with GALVANI

Sensory information in cortical subcortical and peripheral neurons

  A 2011 review on my earlier work

History of science

  Giuliano Vanghetti

Science dissemination

  NEXUS exposition

