Centro di Ricerca Interdisciplinare per la Sostenibilità e il Clima
Alessandro Chiessi
Alessandro Chiessi is is Assistant Professor at the Interdisciplinary Center of Sustainability and Climate; He is Scholar of the English Early Modern Philosophy and his researches are focused on the role of Philosophical Anthropology in shaping Social, Political and Economic Systems. His interests are on the borderline areas of Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Law and Political Philosophy: He analyses the mind/body problem and some practical problem (like arguments in “Torture Debate") and dilemmas in Bioethics, especially Euthanasia. Now he is developing projects on Sustainability Ethics, Crypto-asset Ethics and Public Ethics.
He held a Degree (MA) in Modern Literature (2006, summa cum laude), a Postgraduate Specialization in Didactics and Teaching (2009) and a PhD in Ethics and Moral Philosophy (2013) at the Alma Mater Studiorim - University of Bologna.
He was Visiting Scholar at the British Library, London, UK (2007), and at the Moral Sciences Department of the University of Ghent, Belgium (2012). He was a PRIN Collaborator (2013-2015), tutor of the Academic Course of Bioethics (2015) and Post-Doc Fellow in Philosophy of Law (2018-2019) at the Department of Philosophy and Communication of the University of Bologna. From 2010 he is member of the editorial board for the Philosophical Issues at d.u.press® and form 2015 he is member of the editorial board at Dianoia, Philosophical Review.
On 2018 he got the Italian Academic Qualification as Associate Professor in Moral Philosophy (11/C3; M/FIL-03).
Among his publications: Bernard Mandeville. Corruzione, umorismo, male minore, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2018, 277 pp. (book); Dove ha sbagliato Cartesio? Il metodo nella formulazione del senso di sé da un punto di vista neuroscientifico, "Scienze umane e grafologia", 31 (2017), pp. 37-50 (paper); (with G. Scardovi), Argomenti contro la tortura: garantismo penale e difetti dell’utilitarismo, "Rivista di Filosofia del diritto", 2 (2015), pp. 312-322 (paper); Humorism a posteriori: Fables and Dialogues as a Method in Mandeville’s thought, in Bernard de Mandeville’s Tropology of Paradoxes: Morals, Politics, Economics, and Therapy, ed. by E. Balsemão Pires and J. Braga, Cham-Heidelberg-New York-Dordrecht-London, Spinger, 2015, pp. 65-77 (chapter of a book); La forza delle emozioni e dei sentimenti: tra soggettività e oggettività nella riflessione morale di Hume, in Sul fondamento della morale, ed. by P. Vincieri, Bologna, d.u.press, 2012, pp. 23-50 (chapter of a book).