Associate Partners
Associate Partners have an interest in the programme, the initiatives as well as the graduates of the MEPA. They are willing to share news, vacancies and they may host MEPA interns.
Creative Associates International
Creative Associates International is an international development organization dedicated to supporting people around the world to realize the positive change they seek. Creative provides outstanding, on-the-ground development services and forges partnerships to deliver sustainable solutions to global challenges. Its experts focus on building inclusive educational systems, transitioning communities from conflict to peace, developing sustainable economic growth, engaging youth, promoting transparent elections and more. Creative is recognized for its ability to quickly adapt and excel in conflict and post-conflict environments. To deliver a high degree of service, innovative theories of change and solid project evaluation, Creative is divided into four program divisions: Education, Communities in Transition, Economic Growth and Creative Development Lab.
Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA)
EISA is a not for profit organisation established in 1996 based in Johannesburg (South Africa) with field offices across the continent. EISA strives for excellence in the promotion of credible elections, citizen participation, and strong political institutions for sustainable democracy in Africa. EISA's programme areas include: Symposia and conferences conducted annually, Elections and Political Processes to influence key political processes that underpin elections in Africa and to promote the development, popularisation and application of election principles and good practices through knowledge production and dissemination, monitoring and technical support to election stakeholders, Political Parties Support to strengthen these key democracy institutions in Africa, by building the functional capacity of political parties and foster good inter-party relations., Parliamentary Support aimed at encouraging interaction between parliaments and civil society in Africa for improved participatory democracy, African Peer Review Mechanism Support given both to the peer review process itself and to the fostering of constructive engagement between the three major stakeholders in national APRM processes: government, private enterprise and civil society and Balloting and Electoral Services to enhance the credibility and legitimacy of organisational elections by providing independent and impartial electoral administration, management and consultancy services to business, labour, government, civic associations, tertiary institutions, community based organizations, quasi-state bodies and political parties.
Independent Election Commission of Jordan (IEC-JO)
The Independent Election Commission (IEC) is the independent Jordanian organization that conducts the democratic elections of Jordan at all levels of government. The IEC was imagined, birthed and developed in a record amount of time. Created in May 2012 as part of the comprehensive political reforms that His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al-Hussein initiated, the IEC administered its first election in early 2013 for the 17th Jordanian Council of Representatives. The IEC aims to maintain the highest levels of transparency, integrity and impartiality in the management of various electoral processes, thus ensuring the confidence of Jordanians and the international community at large.
U.S. International Centre for Electoral Support (USICES)
Founded by two MEPA graduates, the United States International Center for Electoral Support is a nonprofit organization headquartered in the United States with a global remit. USICES supports sustainable democratic development through the provision of technical assistance to election officials, professionalizing election administration, empowering the underrepresented to participate in democratic processes, and providing operational support to Election Management Bodies and key stakeholders within the electoral assistance framework. USICES works with all election stakeholders, including international democracy assistance agencies and institutions, electoral management bodies, civil society organizations involved in voter education and election observation, parliaments, media, security forces, and courts to meet the challenges of administering decent democratic processes.
ACE - Electoral Knowledge Network
ACE is an online knowledge resource and decentralized network of electoral experts and practitioners that promotes credible and transparent electoral processes. The website has a number of useful and important resources for anyone interested in elections, including an Encyclopedia with detailed entries on a range of election issues; Comparative Data on the legal and electoral systems of countries around the world; and a Practitioners’ Network where election experts, practitioners and other stakeholders can ask questions, initiate discussions, share information and experiences, and post and respond to job vacancies and announcements. ACE is not an independent organization but is sustained through the collaboration of eight partner organizations: the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, the United Nations Development Programme, the UN Election Assistance Division, the Carter Center, International IDEA, the National Electoral Institute of Mexico, Elections Canada, and the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa.