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Call for Admission to the Master of Arts in International Security Studies 2021/2022

  • Termine presentazione domanda 28.06.2021 - 12:00
  • First call: from 18th December 2020 to 5th March 2021 at 12.00 (UTC+1)
    For non-EU citizens resident abroad
  • Second call: from 5th March 2021 to 28th June 2021 at 12.00 (UTC+2) 
    For Italian, EU-citizens and non-EU citizens permanent resident in Italy

On-line application

The Master of Arts in International Security Studies (MISS) aims to prepare a new generation of analysts, policymakers, and scholars to address contemporary national and international security challenges. The course adopts a multi-disciplinary approach, which provides students with a solid knowledge of core security issues and the emerging threats faced in the international arena. Participants will acquire the theoretical tools and practical skills and competences necessary to understand and assess the various factors and actors capable of impacting on the global order, with specific reference to security issues.

A maximum of 25 places is available.

For more information, please visit the Master’s web page.