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Call for admission to the to Phd Agrobiodiversity

  • Termine presentazione domanda 31.05.2016

The PhD Programme in Agrobiodiversity is aimed at the enhancement of human resource capacities in the use and management of genetic, species and habitat diversity in agroecosystems, in order to improve their sustainability and the conservation and valorization of genetic resources for the well-being of present and future generations.

For more information:



The selection Committee for the admission to the A.Y. 2016/17 of the PhD in Agrobiodiversity organized by the Institute of Life Sciences has completed its work.

The general Ranking List - which includes all applicants scoring above 70/100 - is published on the right of this page among the "Documenti allegati" –“Attached Documents”

There are only 6 positions available: 6 with scholarship.

Applicants beyond the 6th position in the Ranking List, even if eligible, are not admitted to the program.

In case a candidate in one of the top winning positions renounces to the post, the next eligible candidate in the ranking will be invited to fill the vacancy.

More information in attachments.