Istituto di Diritto, Politica e Sviluppo
Denise Amram
Denise Amram (PhD in Law, SSSA 2012) is an Assistant Professor of Comparative Private Law (RTDB) at LIDER Lab - DIRPOLIS Institute and affiliate Researcher at the L'EMbeDS Department of Excellence at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. She currently serves as an adjunct professor at LUISS G. Carli, UNIPI and at the National PhD in AI jointly established at SSSA, UNIPI, and SNS, as well.
Coordinator of the Permanent Observatory on Personal Injury Damages, of the research lines ETHOS (EThics and law witH and fOr reSearch) and Family Law within the LIDER Lab, she participates to several research projects and infrastructures funded under national and EU programs, either dealing with personal and non-personal data governance and regulation or serving as a legal-ethical advisor. Denise has been recently appointed within a pool of experts providing consultancy services for the Council of Europe on Children's Rights and Artificial Intelligence and Education domains and as an evaluator of projects proposals for the EU Commission.
Denise enriched her experience undertaking teaching / research activities both in Italy (University of Pisa, University of Ferrara) and abroad, including France (Université Panthéon-Assas and Université Panthéon-Sorbonne), The Netherlands (Utrecht University), Ireland (University College Dublin), Belgium (Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve), Malta (University of Malta), and USA (Columbia Law School, Harvard Law School Library).
Denise is attorney at the State Bar of Pisa, enrolled in the special list of professors and researchers, mediator in civil and commercial matters, and ISO certified UNI 11697:2017 as Data Protection Officer. In 2018-2021 she served as the Data Protection Officer at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and Scuola Normale Superiore as well.
Steering committee member for top ranked law journals (Rivista Italiana Medicina Legale e del Diritto in Campo Sanitario, Opinio Juris in Comparatione, and GenIUS), member of Diritto di Internet, she authored / co-authored ~125 publications in Italian, French, English, and Spanish, including a monograph book and 2 co-editions.
Her research interests include dignity and fundamental rights enhancement and protection -especially in the digital dimension - with particular reference to private life and family, health, privacy and data protection, in a national, EU, and comparative perspective.
Research activities in the fields of
- EU Data Strategy implementation in R&I and R&D sectors
- Children's digital rights protection and empowerment
- Tort liability and personal injury damages compensation
Selected ongoing projects and activities:
- PI of CURA Children as vulnerable users of iot and ai-based technologies a multi-level interdisciplinary assessment MUR PRIN 2022 programme
- PI DIRPOLIS Unit SMAUG Smart Maritime and Underwater Guardian Grant Agreement n. 101121129 HORIZON-CL3-2022-BM-01
- PI DIRPOLIS Unit SoBigDataPPP RI Preparatory Phase Project Grant Agreement n.101079043 HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-02
- Expert for the Council of Europe Department of Education in the field of Artificial intelligence and Education
- Expert for the Council of Europe Children Department on the 2022-2025 Strategy on the rights of the Child
Ethical legal advice for:
- Data management strategies for R&I&D sectors and human and social sciences
- Ethical legal compliance for AI-based solutions and big data analyses
- Human participation in clinical and non-clinical studies as well as in surveys
Further info: denise.amram@santannapisa.it and www.lider-lab.it
DALIDA DAta LIabilities and DAmages Seasonal School, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Save the dates: 12-16th May 2025 in Pisa and Pontedera
Enrol here https://www.santannapisa.it/en/seasonalschool/dalida-data-liability-and-damages
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gswFbGt213E
Deadline for registration
April 6th, 2025
2023/2024 National PhD AI-Society Legal issues on AI-Applications for vulnerable groups.
Save the dates: 9.1.2025 9.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 Sede Centrale SSSA aula 5; 10.1.2025 9.00-14.00 Sede Centrale SSSA aula 5.
Enrol here: denise.amram@santannapisa.it
2024/2025 Phd in BioRobotics open to all PhD programmes at Scuola Sant'Anna (with Simona Crea) "Introduction to clinical and non-clinical protocols: ethical-legal and technical profiles to design a trial"
Save the dates: 17.1.2025, 24.1.2025, 31.1.2025, 7.2.2025 10.30-13 at the BioRobotics Institute, Pontedera (Pisa).
Enrol through Esse3.