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ECES is a not for profit private foundation headquartered in Brussels with a global remit established in 2010 and that has implemented activities already in more than 50 countries, mainly, but not only, in Africa and the Middle East, primarily with funding from the EU and EU Member states.

ECES promotes sustainable democratic development through the provision of advisory services, operational support and management of large projects in the electoral and democracy assistance field. ECES recently received TRACE certification for its financial management transparency and the ISO 9001 certification for its Quality Management System ECES has crafted and copyrighted its strategy called "A European Response to Electoral Cycle Support - EURECS". This is an innovative and alternative delivery mechanism to implement electoral and democracy assistance activities that are consistent primarily with European values and EU policies.

EURECS is implemented via specific methodologies and tools developed and also copyrighted by ECES such as its Standard Operation Proceduresthe Communication & Visibility Guidelinesthe Electoral Political Economy Analyses, the project approach to contribute Preventing Electoral Violence and Conflicts, the cascade training curricula called ”Leadership and Conflict Management Skills for Electoral Stakeholders, LEAD” and “Leadership and Quality Management Skills for Electoral Administrator, LEAD Q.