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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS
  • Seminario

AgLaw Research Colloquia Series: The Regulation (EU) 741/2020 on water reuse: state of the art and challenges for agricultural production

Data From 19.12.2024 orario
End Date To 19.12.2024 orario


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The AgLaw Research Group is organizing the third research seminar of the 2024-2025 sessions, taking place virtually on December 19 from 17:30-19:00 (CEST Time). On this occasion, we appreciate the participation of Antonio Manzoni, Ph.D. and Post-doc Researcher, and now reseach affiliate of the Agri-food and Environmental Law Group from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. The presentation will be on: The Regulation (EU) 741/2020 on water reuse: state of the art and challenges for agricultural production.