I am a Post-Doc fellow in economic history at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, where I completed my PhD in May 2024. My research interests focus on Italian economic history, in particular on the intersection between female employment, occupational mobility, and infant abandonment. At the moment I am working on early evidence of paid care work in Italy with a long-term perspective and sex selectivity. Previously I studied in Tor Vergata, Pompeu Fabra, and at the University of Oxford.
My research interests focus on Italian economic history, in particular on occupational mobility and female employment.
(with M. Molteni) The wheel of life? The effect of the abolition of the foundling wheel in XIX century Italy, Explorations in Economic History, Revise & Resubmit;
(with M. Martinez) Intergenerational Mobility in 19th-Century Italy: A Case-Study Approach, Rivista di Storia Economica / Italian Review of Economic History, 1/2024, pp. 1-34, doi: 10.1410/109335;
From the Edge to the Heart: Female Employment in 19th-Century Italy, in M. Mosca (ed.), Women at Work in Italy (1750-1950), Berlin: Springer Nature, (2024), pp. 73-97, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-64281-4.
A Social Elevator? Occupational Mobility in Italy, 1950-70, Rivista di Storia Economica / Italian Review of Economic History, 2/2023, pp. 131-162, doi: 10.1410/107025.