Within the Institute, Phd, researchers and technicians are involved who carry out projects that include field tests but also moments of sharing knowledge with the main stakeholders. The group is actively involved in both the Italian Agroforestry association (AIAF) and the European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF), which aim at promoting the use of trees on farms, promote the rebirth of a healthier, more sustainable and livable countryside. Around these topics, we are currently involved in national and international projects including NEWTON “NEtWork per l’agroselvicoltura in TOscaNa”, aiming at the promotion of agroforestry practices in Tuscany as strategy for the sustainable agricultural intensification (funded by the Tuscany Region), and AGROMIX, a research and innovation project that supports the transition towards resilient farming, efficient land use, and sustainable agricultural value chains in Europe. (funded by European Union - Horizon 2020).