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Worm-inspired machines

Living Machine 2023: Genova, 10 July 2023

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The quest for soft compliant machines able to safely operate in unstructured environments and to perform tasks in response to stimuli is increasingly demanded, in many applications and across different scales. To achieve this goal, significant research efforts in soft robotics and material science have been directed at the development of novel synthetic machines inspired by living beings. In this context, understanding how worms can burrow into sediments, anchor to holes, and explore the surrounding by protruding and elongating body parts appears a really intriguing source of biological inspiration to design new soft robots.
This workshop aims at exploring scientific advances and translation challenges in worm-inspired robotics. An open discussion addressing a broad spectrum of aspects will be provided by bringing together internationally renowned experts coming from different fields. Indeed, interdisciplinarity will be a core feature of the workshop, where scientists and researchers in biology, biomedicine, materials science, math, informatics and robotics will have the possibility to share ideas and advances in worm-inspired technological solutions. The attendees of this workshop will take home a future-oriented perspective on research and applications in this field.


Living Machines is one of the main international conferences dealing with the understanding and harnessing of the principles underlying living systems. This workshop addresses the frontier of bioinspired robotic systems with a focus on worms as biological inspiration source. This workshop aims at bringing together a heterogeneous community of roboticists, material scientists, physicists, computer scientists, and biologists, in line with the Living Machine mission of gathering internationally renowned scientists and researchers and main enterprises to share ideas and advances in the bioinspired robotics field.
This workshop addresses at the research on novel worms-like technologies inspired by the scientific investigation of biological systems.




Registration and Opening



Prof Arianna Menciassi and Dr Linda Paternò, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
Mimicking Adaptation and Plasticity in WORMS: the MAPWORMS Project



Prof. Luigi Musco, University of Salento
Ecological, taxonomical, and morphological studies for selected species of marine Annelida



Dr Jacopo Quaglierini, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
Modelling marine worms though differential geometry



Dr Veronica Iacovacci, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna,
A novel fabrication paradigm for soft small scale magnetic robots

10:35 11:00

Dr Saravana Prashanth Murali Babu, University of Southern Denmark
WaveBots: crawling robots on peristaltic waves



Coffee break



Prof. Roger Quinn and Shane Riddle, Case Western Reserve University
A polymer-bilayer-based mechanically compliant worm-like robot



Prof Elliot Hawkes, UC Santa Barbara
Burrowing Soft Robots



Prof. Mark Cutkosky, Stanford University
Soft, stretchy, durable, accurate: actuation and sensing technology for worm-inspired implantable devices 



Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks

This workshop is supported by the Project MAPWORMS - Mimicking Adaptation and Plasticity in WORMS