Istituto di Diritto, Politica e Sviluppo
Luca Raineri
Dr Luca Raineri è ricercatore (RTDB) in studi di sicurezza. Il suo lavoro si inserisce nel filone degli studi critici di sicurezza e conflitto, e indaga in particolare i fenomeni transnazionali rilevanti (traffici, criminalità, terrorismo) in riferimento all’Africa, ai confini europei, e all’azione esterna dell’UE in generale. Dal 2010 è stato impegnato in numerose missioni di ricerca e raccolta dati sul campo in Mali, Niger, Tunisia e Senegal. È autore di numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche su riviste accademiche internazionali, contributi in volume e monografie – fra cui, recentemente, La Crisi Libica e l’Ordine Internazionale (ed. Carocci, 2022).
Il dr. Raineri è laureato in teoria politica presso l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) di Parigi (2008), ed è stato Pensionnaire Etranger presso l'Ecole Normale Supérieure (2009). Ha inoltre conseguito un Master in Diritti Umani e Gestione dei Conflitti (2011), e un dottorato in Politica Globale e Diritti Umani presso la Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa (2016). È stato membro della Research School on peace and conflict di Oslo (2014-2016) e visiting reseacher presso l’Univesità Autonoma di Madrid (2017). Il dr Raineri ha inoltre lavorato come consulente per numerosi centro di ricerca e organizzazioni internazionali – governative e non – che si occupano di peacebuilding, sicurezza e sviluppo, con particolare riferimento all'Africa occidentale.
Il dr Raineri è vice-PI del progetto di ricerca SHUT-MED: Securitizing Human Transit Across the Central Mediterranean corridor: shifting mobilita governance discourses and practices in Italy, Malta, Libya and Niger, finanziato dal Ministero italiano della Ricerca Universitaria, e finalizzato allo studio della governance delle migrazioni dalla prospettiva degli studi critici di sicurezza.
- La crisi libica e l’ordine internazionale, Rome: Carocci 2022.
- Jihad in Africa: Terrorismo e controterrorismo nel Sahel (with Baldaro E., eds.), Bologna: Il Mulino 2022.
- Fringe regionalism. When peripheries become regions (with Mattheis F., Russo A.), London: Palgrave 2018.
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
- The place of Africa in international relations: the centrality of the margins in Global IR (with Baldaro, E.), Italian Political Science Review, 2021.
- Drug Smuggling and the Stability of Fragile States. The diverging trajectories of Mali and Niger (with Strazzari, F.),Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 2021.
- The Bioeconomy of Sahel Borders: Informal Practices of Revenue and Data Extraction, Geopolitics, 2021.
- Explaining the Rise of Jihadism in Africa: the Crucial Case of the Islamic State of the Greater Sahara, Terrorism and Political Violence, 2020.
- Responding to Hybridity in an Unstable Neighborhood: The Efficiency of the EU State-centric Approach to the Crisis in Libya and Ukraine (with Ivashchenko-Stadnik, K., Petrov, R.), Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal, 6/2020
- Goldmining in the Sahara-Sahel: the political geography of state making and unmaking, International Spectator 55(4), 2020.
- Azawad: a Parastate between Nomads and Mujahidins? (with Baldaro, E.), Nationalities papers 48(1), 2020.
- Security and informality in Libya: militarisation without military?”, Conflict, Security & Development 19(6), 2019
- (B)ordering hybrid security? EU stabilisation practices in the Sahara-Sahel region (with Strazzari, F.), Ethnopolitics 18(5), 2019.
- The Malta Connection: a corrupting island in a corrupting sea? European Review of Organised Crime 5(1), 2019.
- Human Smuggling across Niger: State-Sponsored Protection Rackets and Contradictory Security Imperatives”, Journal of Modern African Studies 56(1), 2018.
- ISIS and Al-Qaeda as Strategies and Political Imaginaries in Africa: A Comparison between Boko Haram and Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (with Martini A.), Civil Wars 19(4), 2017.
- Mali: the short-sightedness of donor-driven peacebuilding”, Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 11(1), 2016.
- State, Secession and Jihad: The Micro-Political Economy of Conflict in North Mali” (with Strazzari F.), African Security8(4), 2015.
Book chapters:
- Sands. In: Faleg G., Narbone L. (eds.) African Spaces. The new geopolitical frontlines. Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies Chaillot Paper 2022.
- Dissecting the EU response to the ‘migration crisis’ (with Strazzari F.). In: Pogodda S., Richmond O., Mac Ginty R. (eds.) The EU and Crisis Response. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2021.
- Migrant smuggling and the social organisation of cross-border mobility. In: Gallien M., Weigand F. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Smuggling. London: Routledge 2021.
- The collateral damage of the war on smugglers along the Central Mediterranean Route. In: Fargues P., Rango M., (eds.) Migration in West and North Africa and across the Mediterranean: Trends, risks, development and governance. Geneva: IOM Publications, 2020.
- Niger, recent political history. In: Frame I. (ed.) Africa South of the Sahara yearbook 2020, 50th ed.. London: Routledge 2020.
- Resilience to what? The EU fostering capacity-building in the Sahel through CSDP-missions (with Baldaro E.). In: Cusumano E., Hofmaier S. (eds.) Projecting resilience across the Mediterranean. London: Palgrave 2019.
- Fous de Dieu ou indignés ? Crise de gouvernance, polarisations identitaires et populisme religieux au Mali. In: Lecocq B., Niang A. (eds.) Identités Sahéliennes en temps de crise. Histoires, enjeux et perspectives. Berlin: LIT Verlag 2019.
- Cross-border smuggling in north Niger: the morality of the informal and the construction of a hybrid order. In: Polese A., Russo A., Strazzari F. (eds.), Governance Beyond the Law: the immoral, the illegal, the informal. London: Palgrave 2019.
- Hybrid governance and mobility in the Sahel: stabilisation practices put to the test (with Ba Y.). In: Venturi B. (ed.)Governance and Security in the Sahel: tackling mobility, demography and climate change. FEPS/IAI: Rome 2019.
- Drug trafficking in the Sahara Desert: follow the money and find land-grabbing. In: Chiodelli F., Hull T., Hudson R. (eds.) Corrupt Places: The Illicit and illegal in the Regional and Urban Governance and Development. London: Routledge 2017.
- La mobilitazione della società civile africana contro land e water grabbing. Conflittualità interne ed esterne. In: Rognoni M., Vasconi E. (eds.) Democrazia, società civile e sviluppo in Africa subsahariana. Bologna: AIEP 2017
- Sahara Desert: the centre of all concerns at the periphery of the world. A contestation of geopolitical partitions from a nomadic perspective. In: Peeren E., Stuit H., Van Weyenberg A. (eds.) Peripheral Visions in the Globalising Present: Community, Contestation, Critique. Leiden: Brill 2016.
Open-access research reports:
- Lessons learnt on EU’s measures to prevent violent extremism in North Africa and the Sahel (with Strazzari F.), Policy Brief, PREVEX 2021.
- Enabling environments, drivers, and occurrence/non- occurrence of violent extremism (with Bøås M., Osland K., Iocchi A., Haavik V., Cissé A., Mahamane L., Lounnas D., Benmrahar A.), Working Paper, PREVEX 2021
- The EU and other stakeholders’ prevention strategy towards violent extremism in the Maghreb and the Sahel (with Cissé A., Kalpakian J., Lounnas, D. Strazzari F.), Policy Brief, PREVEX 2020.
- Sahel Climate Conflicts? When (Fighting) Climate Change Fuels Terrorism, Policy Brief, EUISS, 2020.
- Dogmatism or Pragmatism? Violent extremism and gender relationships in central Sahel, Policy Report, International Alert and UNICRI, 2020.
- EU pressure on Niger to stop migrants is reshaping cross-border economies (with Lucht H.), Policy Brief, DIIS Copenhagen, 2019.
- Navigating borderlands in the Sahel: border security governance and mixed migration in Liptako-Gourma (with Golovko E.), Policy Report, Mixed Migration Centre Dakar/Geneva, 2019.
- Fulfilling Implausible Expectations. Reducing Migratory Flows From Libya Amidst Porous Borders, Policy Brief 2018/14, Robert Schuman Centre, EUI, 2018.
- If victims become perpetrators. Factors contributing to vulnerability and resilience to violent extremism in the central Sahel, Policy Report, International Alert and UNICRI, 2018.
- The implementation of EU Crisis Response in Libya: Bridging theory and practice (with Loschi C., Strazzari F.), Working Paper, EUNPACK, 2018.
- The Security-Migration-Development Nexus in the Sahel: A Reality Check (with Rossi A.), Working Paper 17, IAI, 2017.
- Perceptions about the EU’s Crisis Response in Libya (with Loschi C.), Policy Brief, EUNPACK, 2017.
- Jihadism in Mali and the Sahel: evolving dynamics and patterns (with Strazzari F.), Policy Brief 21, EUISS, 2017.
- How the EU is facing crises in its neighbourhood: Evidence from Libya and Ukraine (with Ivaschenko K., Petrov R., Rieker P., Russo A., Strazzari F.), Working Paper, EUNPACK, 2017.
- Organized Crime and fragile states: African variations (with Strazzari F.), Policy Brief 8, EUISS, 2017.
- Organized crime in Mali: why it matters for a peaceful transition from conflict (with Galletti C.), Policy Brief 09/2016, International Alert, 2016
- The Sahel as Ungoverned Space? Smuggling and Trafficking in a Hybrid Security Order (with Strazzari F., Shuck G.). Interim Report for the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office. College Park, MD: START, 2014.
Il dr Raineri coordina e contribuisce alla didattica nell’ambito dei seguenti insegnamenti:
master level
- Introduction to Security Studies, Master in International Security Studies
- Conflict Studies, Master in Human Rights and Conflict Management
undergraduate – didattica allievi
- African politics and security
- Governance delle migrazioni
- Metodologia qualitativa di ricerca in scienza politica