Rudy deals with surface and subsurface hydrology. He holds a MSc in Earth Science from Uni. of Pisa (IT), a MSc in Geoenvironmental Engineering from Cardiff Uni. (UK) and a PhD in Engineering Geology from Uni. of Siena (IT). Main research fields are analysis of functionalities of blue infrastructures (phyto-treatment plants and Managed Aquifer Recharge schemes) for the provision of water related agro-ecosystem services and development and application of GIS integrated groundwater and solute transport numerical models to water management issues in the Mediterranean environment with special focus on low flow conditions.
As water security is the web connecting food production and energy to socio-economic development and agro-ecosystem maintenance, in the framework of adapting to climate change, main research objective is to devise and to test innovative ways for sustainable water management developing both theoretical and applied approaches.
He is coordinator of the recently funded EU HORIZON 2020 FREEWAT project (FREE and open source software tools for WATer resource management www.freewat.eu)) and WP8 leader in EU FP7 MARSOL (Managed Aquifer Recharge as a solution to drought and water scarcity www.marsol.eu) Sant’Alessio induced riverbank filtration case study. Coordinator of the Italian - Israeli bilater project PHARM-SWAP MED (removal of PHARMaceuticals from the Soil-WAter-Plant continuum in MEDiterranean Environment) and technical coordinator of the EU LIFE REWAT project (www.life-rewat.eu).
Since 2012 he is Co-Editor in Chief of Acque Sotterranee-Italian Journal of Groundwater (http://www.acquesotterranee.online/index.php/acque).