BEEP - Biology for human space exploration

Deadline for registration
May 18th, 2025
July 21st-25th, 2025
Learning objectives
The Seasonal School will introduce participants to the urgent topic of space biology, a discipline that aims at developing a better understanding of how life operates in built environments in space, or in ground-based experiments that mimic aspects of spaceflight, to prepare for future human exploration missions far from Earth. An overview of different research areas dealing with basic research and with applications for human life support will be offered. At the end of the course, students will be familiar with the central themes of biological and biomedical research in support of human space exploration.
Teaching methodologies
Students will find an interactive and cross-disciplinary learning environment that will proceed through classroom lessons, with multimedia aides, and biology lab exercises. At the end of the course, we will visit the facility of a space enterprise.
Target participants
Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students from different backgrounds (e.g. law, political science, life sciences and engineering) who are interested in space research.
About us
Here are some statements released by the previous editions’ winners of the merit award offered by Fondazione Il Talento all’Opera and Fondazione EY.