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FemGen - Gender Studies and Feminist Theory. A Multidisciplinary Perspective

Gender Studies and Feminist Theory
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Deadline for registration

May 18th, 2025


July 7th-11th, 2025

Learning objectives

The Seasonal School will introduce participants to the pivotal perspective of gender studies with a multidisciplinary critical perspective, combining different approaches in social sciences.In order to tackle the most relevant issues in contemporary gender studies and feminist theory, participants will be provided with most relevant conceptual tools from an epistemological, political, legal and philosophical point of view as well as with a cross-cutting knowledge of the different theoretical-methodological frameworks employed in the debate.Other than providing a theoretical-political framework on the contribution of the gender dimension in social sciences, the training programme will require participants to reflect on global and intersectional perspectives as well as on the impact of policies and politics on everyday challenges: e.g. the structural dimension gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), the emerging of situated needs for different subjectivities in public and collective space. The aim of the Seasonal School is to enable students to understand the impact of such challenges on the society as a whole, from a political, legal and social perspective, raising a critical attitude informed by a feminist intersectional standpoint.

Teaching methodologies

Students will find an interactive and cross-disciplinary learning environment with teaching activities characterized by interactive learning and participative methodologies. Both external academic experts as well as practitioners working in civil society organizations will participate to the program with workshops that will further explore the themes addressed in class. Other complementary activities such as movie-screenings and team-building games will be held as to encourage interaction and discussion among the participants.

Target participants

Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students from different backgrounds (e.g. philosophy and humanities, anthropology, law, political science, economics, sociology, history, but also students in applied sciences) who are interested in gender studies and feminist theories.