Ricercatore Istituto di Biorobotica Solaiman Shokur solaiman.shokur@santannapisa.it Immobile Polo Valdera Pubblicazioni Contributo su Rivista (14) Los Angeles, Emanuele; de Oliveira, Claudia Eunice Neves; Cupertino, Layla; Shokur, Solaiman; Bouri, Mohamed; Coelho, Daniel Boari Effect of disease, freezing of gait, and dopaminergic medication in the biomechanics of trunk and upper limbs in the gait of Parkinson's disease Open new browser tab (2024) Micera, S.; Shokur, S. Our research path toward the restoration of natural sensations in hand prostheses Open new browser tab (2024) Losanno, E.; Badi, M.; Roussinova, E.; Bogaard, A.; Delacombaz, M.; Shokur, S.; Micera, S. An Investigation of Manifold-Based Direct Control for a Brain-to-Body Neural Bypass Open new browser tab (2024) Muheim, Jonathan; Iberite, Francesco; Akouissi, Outman; Monney, Rachel; Morosato, Federico; Gruppioni, Emanuele; Micera, Silvestro; Shokur, Solaiman A sensory-motor hand prosthesis with integrated thermal feedback Open new browser tab (2024) Losanno, Elena; Ceradini, Matteo; Agnesi, Filippo; Righi, Gabriele; Del Popolo, Giulio; Shokur, Solaiman; Micera, Silvestro A Virtual Reality-Based Protocol to Determine the Preferred Control Strategy for Hand Neuroprostheses in People With Paralysis Open new browser tab (2024) Ploumitsakou, Maria; Muheim, Jonathan; Felouzis, Amanda; Carbonell Muñoz, Nerea‐isabel; Iberite, Francesco; Akouissi, Outman; Morosato, Federico; Gruppioni, Emanuele; Filingeri, Davide; Micera, Silvestro; Shokur, Solaiman Remapping Wetness Perception in Upper Limb Amputees Open new browser tab (2024) Pinheiro, D. J. L. L.; Faber, J.; Micera, S.; Shokur, S. Human-machine interface for two-dimensional steering control with the auricular muscles Open new browser tab (2023) Dominijanni, Giulia; Pinheiro, Daniel Leal; Pollina, Leonardo; Orset, Bastien; Gini, Martina; Anselmino, Eugenio; Pierella, Camilla; Olivier, Jérémy; Shokur, Solaiman; Micera, Silvestro Human motor augmentation with an extra robotic arm without functional interference Open new browser tab (2023) Iberite, F.; Muheim, J.; Akouissi, O.; Gallo, S.; Rognini, G.; Morosato, F.; Clerc, A.; Kalff, M.; Gruppioni, E.; Micera, S.; Shokur, S. Restoration of natural thermal sensation in upper-limb amputees Open new browser tab (2023) Nicolelis, M. A. L.; Alho, E. J. L.; Donati, A. R. C.; Yonamine, S.; Aratanha, M. A.; Bao, G.; Campos, D. S. F.; Almeida, S.; Fischer, D.; Shokur, S. Training with noninvasive brain–machine interface, tactile feedback, and locomotion to enhance neurological recovery in individuals with complete paraplegia: a randomized pilot study Open new browser tab (2022) Load More