Ricercatore Istituto di Telecomunicazioni, Informatica e Fotonica Stefano Dettori stefano.dettori@santannapisa.it 050 882334 Area CNR Pubblicazioni Contributo su Rivista (24) Contributo in Atti Convegno (Proceeding) (20) Contributo in Volume (1) Dettori, S.; Zaccara, A.; Laid, L.; Matino, I.; Vannucci, M.; Colla, V.; Bontempi, G.; Forlani, L. Machine Learning models to forecast defects occurrence on foundry products Open new browser tab (2024) Vannucci, M.; Colla, V.; Zaccara, A.; Dettori, S.; Laid, L. Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Combining PCA and Neural Gases Open new browser tab (2024) Dettori, S.; Iannino, V.; Vannini, L.; Colla, V.; Ferraris, F. Automatic Surveillance of Accelerated Cooling Line Against Cyber-Attacks and Faults Open new browser tab (2024) Matino, I.; Dettori, S.; Conde, A. S.; Colla, V.; Petrucciani, A.; Zaccara, A.; Iannino, V.; Mocci, C.; Hauser, A.; Kolb, S.; Karl, J.; Wolf-Zoellner, P.; Haag, S.; Bampaou, M.; Panopoulos, K.; Heracleous, E.; Kieberger, N.; Rechberger, K.; Rog, L.; Rompalski, P. Hydrogen intensified synthesis processes to valorise process off-gases in integrated steelworks Open new browser tab (2023) Dettori, S.; Matino, I.; Matino, R.; Castellano, A.; Colla, V.; Vannini, L.; Wolff, A.; Schroeder, D.; Baric, V. A Decision Support System for off-gas and steam optimal management in integrated steelworks Open new browser tab (2023) Neuer, M. J.; Loos, M.; Marchiori, F.; Colla, V.; Dettori, S.; Ordieres, J.; Wolff, A. From controlling single processes to the complex automation of process chains by artificially intelligent control systems: the ControlInSteel project Open new browser tab (2022) Hauser, A.; Wolf-Zoellner, P.; Haag, S.; Dettori, S.; Tang, X.; Mighani, M.; Matino, I.; Mocci, C.; Colla, V.; Kolb, S.; Bampaou, M.; Panopoulos, K.; Kieberger, N.; Rechberger, K.; Karl, J. Valorizing Steelworks Gases by Coupling Novel Methane and Methanol Synthesis Reactors with an Economic Hybrid Model Predictive Controller Open new browser tab (2022) Bampaou, M.; Panopoulos, K.; Seferlis, P.; Sasiain, A.; Haag, S.; Wolf-zoellner, P.; Lehner, M.; Rog, L.; Rompalski, P.; Kolb, S.; Kieberger, N.; Dettori, S.; Matino, I.; Colla, V. Economic Evaluation of Renewable Hydrogen Integration into Steelworks for the Production of Methanol and Methane Open new browser tab (2022) Dettori, S.; Matino, I.; Iannino, V.; Colla, V.; Hauser, A.; Wolf-Zollner, P.; Haag, S. Optimizing methane and methanol production from integrated steelworks process off-gases through economic hybrid model predictive control Open new browser tab (2022) Dettori, S.; Matino, I.; Colla, V.; Wolff, A.; Neuer, M.; Baric, V.; Schroeder, D.; Utkin, V.; Schaub, F. Optimizing integrated steelworks process off-gas distribution through Economic Hybrid Model Predictive Control and Echo State Networks Open new browser tab (2022) Load More