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Istituto di Diritto, Politica e Sviluppo
Tommaso Crepax
Tommaso Crepax is an Early-Stage Researcher at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna for the MSCA-ITN LeADS Project, and a Ph.D student of the National Doctorate in Artificial Intelligence. Tommaso’s background in regulation of and by technology finds its academic roots at the Tilburg Institute for Law and Technology, where he graduated cum laude as Master’s student, and in which he subsequently worked as lecturer and program coordinator. Before joining LiderLab, Tommaso was associate researcher at the KU Leuven Center of IP and IT law in the “privacy engineering” cluster. Tommaso's areas of expertise encompass privacy, cyber-security and data protection of information systems, which he both studied in theory as well as applied in practice in EU funded Horizon 2020 projects. As "legal engineer", Tommaso loves to work side-by-side with data scientists, computer scientists and information engineers.