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The United Nations Institute for Training and Research is a training arm of the United Nations System, serving some 25,000 beneficiaries annually by conducting more than 400 capacity development and research activities around the world. The Mission of UNITAR is to develop capacities of individuals, organizations and institutions to enhance global decision-making and to support country-level action for shaping a better future. UNITAR offers various training and capacity-development activities in the thematic areas of Strengthen multilateralism; Promote economic development and social inclusion; Advance environmental sustainability and green development; Promote sustainable peace; Research and Technology Applications and Cross-cutting issues.

UNITAR hosts the MEPA e-learning platform and the MEPA webinars. Also, it provides an IT help desk for any problems related to the e-learning platform.

Taking advantage of the opportunities of technology-enhanced learning, the learning materials are presented through various means, such as text, graphs, images and video material, which contribute to better retention and to enhance the learning process.