The MeS Laboratory is accredited by Tuscany Region for carrying out managerial training courses for managers of the Health System

The Managerial Training Course for Complex Structure Executives and Aspiring Healthcare Managers, is configured as a training course for carrying out the tasks related to corporate health management functions and for the management of complex structures (doctors, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, biologists, chemists, physicists, psychologists). Attendance of the course is mandatory on the basis of the provisions of Legislative Decree 502/92 and DPR 484/97. Around 3,300 professionals have been trained since 2005.
Furthermore, MeS Laboratory organizes the Managerial Training Course for the General Management of Healthcare Companies (divided into 200 hours of training). The course, in its seventh edition, has trained about 200 professionals. The lessons explore many topics of interest to Top Management of the National Health System, including: governance mechanisms in the field of health systems, human resource management, performance evaluation, costing to support strategic decisions.
The Advanced Training course in Clinical Risk Management and Continuous Improvement of the Quality and Safety of Care, now in its ninth edition, is organized in collaboration with the Clinical Risk Center of the Tuscany Region, an institution of excellence at national level. It offers 145 hours of training plus 25 hours of field experience at selected accredited public or private health facilities. The course involves professionals who work in the management of clinical risk and patient safety, quality of assistance and care, as well as doctors and professionals in the psychosocial and technical area.
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