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Banche dati

Journals of the American Chemical Society,subject of chemical sciences.

Resource type: full text database

Access web via IP address

Transformative agreements Care-Crui to for open access pubblishing. For more info look at the dedicated page

Resource type: Full text database

Access by password (ask the library)

Resource type: Full text database

Access web via IP address.

Transformative agreements for publishing open access articles on Cambridge university Press journals. Look at the specific page on the Intranet to get more info.

Resource type: Financial database

Please contact the library's offices in order to use the database:

Resource type: ebook collection

Access web via IP address.

Resource type: e-journals full text database

Access web via IP address.
The database can also be accessed off campus via Shibboleth (authentication with institutional credentials)
The publisher offers incentives to publish in open access. For more info look at the dedicated page on the Intranet

Resource type:bibliographic database

Web access via IP address.

Resource type: e-journals full text database

Web access via the IP address.

Transformative agreements for publishing open access articles. For more info look at the specific page on the Intranet.

Resource type: Full text database

Unlimited IP address access

Full text database of Il Foro italiano journal.

To start the search click on "Accesso Diretto". Five simultaneous accesses are enabled.

Click on "Link utili" to reach the complete archive of the digitised files of "Foro italiano" from 1876 to 2015 available on JSTOR.
Access is gained with a username and password. Please contact the library staff.

Resource type: Public legislation database
Free access

Resource type: Full text archives and database of italian case law and legislation.
Web access via the IP address. Click on LOGIN > "LOGIN PER IP" to access the search function

Resource type: Full text encyclopedia
Access via the IP address. Click on LOGIN > "LOGIN PER IP" to access the search function
Simultaneous access: 4.

Full text access to the Giuffrè law journals.
Resource type:Full text database

Access via the IP address. Click on LOGIN > "Login PER IP" to access the search function.

Simultaneous access: 4.

Resource type: Full text database
Access via the IP address.

Resource type: Full text database

Access via the IP address.

Resource type: Full text database
Access via the IP address.

Resource type: Full text database
Access via the IP address.

Free access subject to registration

Resource type: Table of contents of periodicals and bibliographies.
Access via the IP address

Resource type: Full text archives and database
Access web via IP address

Resource type: Full text database
Access via the IP address: click on "Accedi" > "Entra" > "IDEM Garr"

Resource type: Full text database
Access via the IP address.

Full text access to the following Nature Publishing Group journals: Nature, Nature Geoscience, Nature Medicine, Nature Metabolism, Nature Photonics, Nature Plants.

Type of resource: Full text database
Web access via IP address..

Resource type: Full text archives and database
Web access via the IP address

Resource type: Full text database
Access via IP address

Resource type: Institutional fulltext database
Free access

Resource type: Financial data dataset

Web access via institutional credentials

In case of problems with institutional credentials, log in via IP address from the following link:

Resource type: Patent analytics database

Web access via institutional credentials

In case of problems with institutional credentials, log in via IP address from the following link:

Orbit Express: Access via the IP address with previous registration with a email address

Orbit Intelligence: Access by personal account (username and password) with library staff support

The database provides access to a collection of legal handbooks from the OUP publisher

Access via IP address.

Full text access to the journal titles included in the Economics & finance and Policy collections.

Web access via IP address

Resource type: Full text database of case law

Web access via the IP address

Resource type: ebook collection
Access via the IP address. A maximum of 3 simultaneous accesses are permitted.

Resource type: ebook collection

Access via the IP address. A maximum of 3 simultaneous accesses are permitted.

Resource type Digital Newsstand

Access web via IP address

Resource type: Bibliographic database
Free access

Resource type: Full text database
Access via the IP address.

Resource type: bibliographical and citation database

Access via the IP address

Resource type: Full text database

Web access via the IP address

Resource type: e-journals full text database
Web access via the IP address

Transformative agreements for publishing open access articles. Have a look at the specific page on the Intranet to get more info.

Type of resource: Bibliographic and full text archive
Access web via IP address A username and password are required in order to access some of the contents. Please contact the library's staff.

Resource type: Ebook collection

Access web via IP address

Resource type:Full text collection
Access web via IP address

Type of resource: Full text archives and database.

Access web via the IP address.

Resource type: online Atlas

Access is gained via the IP address, from fixed line network PCs. Furthermore, the modules are available in versions suitable for iPads and/or Android devices to also ensure off-line access or access outside the range of the School's IP address. Click the Info key to obtain further details.

Resource type: bibliographical and citation database
Access via the IP address

Resource type: Full text database
Accesso web via IP address.

Resource type: Full text database

Accesso web via Ip address

Resource type: e-journals full text database
Access via the IP address.
Transformative agreements for publishing open access articles on Wiley journals. Look at the specific page on the Intranet to get more info.

Resource type: database of deal information

Access web via IP address