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Institutional Research Archive - IRIS

IRIS - Institutional Research Information System - is the Institutional Research Archive where authors from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna archive all their research products.

In the public area that can be freely accessed from the link, you can view institutional scientific production, complete with bibliographic metadata, while the full text of the works may only be accessed with the prior permission of the authors. Keyword search, scrolling and filter modes are available to refine the results.

In the private areaaccessible via credentials, a researcher can find all of their production, the tools to archive products and some functions to produce statistics and analysis of research output. This private space can be configured, customized graphically and linked directly to the public author profile.

Based on open source software, Iris is connected to the ministerial database for the downloading of data required for the assessment; it is integrated with the European platform OpenAire, for the harvesting of data on publications stemming from EC-funded projects; it is integrated with international providers of metadata and bibliographic information (Scopus, WOS) for the automatic import of bibliometric indexes.

In addition, works posted in full-text mode on IRIS are indexed by Google Scholar, which allows easier circulation of the open full-text and connection to the free application Unpaywall (see what UNPAYWALL is).

Iris assigns a persistent identifier to uploaded documents: a persistent identifier represents the unique link to a document, unchangeable over time. If entered in the bar of a search engine, an identifier can provide an immediate link to the document. The identifiers assigned by Iris are called Handles.

The integration of the Sherpa-Romeo database with Iris represents an important support for an author, who can check the chosen journal’s publishing policies on self-archiving directly in the pane on the right of the entry page. In addition, there is also a DOAJ repertory pane that can be used to check whether the journal is Open Access.