Call for application 2022-23 to the PhD in Biorobotics
Deadline for application submission: June 1st 2022 (13:00 CEST)
TITLE EVALUATION: June, 16th 2022
INTERVIEW: June, 30th 2022 - starting from 9:30 a.m.
The PhD in BioRobotics is a full-time mandatory attendance three-year programme. In line with the standards of excellence pursued by the School, the Programme represents a three-year training path aimed at research activity into the themes of biomedical microengineering, biomimetic robotics, rehabilitation and assistance technologies, computer-aided surgery technologies and service robotics. A distinctive characteristic of the PhD in BioRobotics is that it trains PhD students, encouraging them and guiding them to pursue great scientific and technological challenges according to the concepts of “science-based engineering”. The PhD students will be educated and trained on modern engineering and will be able to devise and design extremely revolutionary, high quality and highly technological machines, systems and services with superior performance and of interest in terms of scientific knowledge and application, including in industry. The solutions devised by PhD students focus on human beings and Companies, according to principles of technological, environmental, social, ethical and economic sustainability.
Number of positions available
- n. 12 with scholarship funded by the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
Additional positions
- n. 1 with a scholarship funded by the project CELLOIDS - Cell-inspired particle-based intelligent microrobots. Supervisor: Stefano Palagi; More info: /en/institute/biorobotics/celloids
- n. 1 with a scholarship funded by the project European Project MAPWORMS on the topic: “Development of a new generation of marine worm-inspired miniaturized robots able to perform tasks in response to environmental stimuli and to adapt to the environment with a shape-morphing strategy. Supervisor: Prof.ssa Arianna Menciassi and Prof. Antonio De Simone
- n. 2 with scholarship funded by the project ERC ALPS - AI-based Learning for Physical Simulation. Download the project abstract
(Supervisor: Alessandro LUCANTONIO - - n. 5 with a scholarship funded by the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia:
n. 1 in the framework of the project Soft BioRobotics Perception - Supervisor: Lucia Beccai, website:
n. 1 on the topic Nanotechnologies applied to medicine - Supervisor: Gianni Ciofani, website
n. 1 on the topic New materials and approaches for soft bio/micro-electronics - Supervisor: Virgilio Mattoli, website:
n. 2 on the topic Soft robots inspired by animals and plants (Supervisor: Barbara Mazzolai, website - n. 1 position with scholarship funded with public funds under the dispositions detailed in the Ministerial Decree n. 352/2022 and cofinanced by MEDICA S.P.A. ( on the topic of intraluminal medical devices and artificial intelligence. Supervisor: Gastone CIUTI:
n. 1 position with scholarship funded with public funds under the measures detailed in the Ministerial Decree n. 352/2022 and cofinanced by MEDIAVOICE SRL ( on the topic of BioRobotics and Artificial intelligence. Supervisor: Calogero ODDO-
n. 1 position with scholarship funded with public funds under the measures detailed in the Ministerial Decree n. 352/2022 and cofinanced by STmicroelectronics srl ( on the topic of BioRobotics and Artificial intelligence. Supervisor: Calogero ODDO-
n. 1 position with scholarship funded by STmicroelectronics in the framework of the topic: "Innovative components and smart sensor/motor control strategies for mobile collaborative robotic platforms" - Supervisor: prof. Cesare Stefanini ( Co-supervisor: prof. Calogero Oddo (
Project “THE - Tuscany Health Ecosystem” - CUP J13C2200042000
Additional scholarships in the framework of the project “THE” funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU may be available on Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.5, NRRP National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
Further positions may be activated on the basis of additional financial resources, for specific agreements or for apprenticeship contract.
Additional positions could be funded with research fellowships lasting three years pursuant to article 22 of Italian Law 240/2010, from research funds of The BioRobotics Institute. Research grants will be assigned to eligible candidates who have not been awarded with a scholarship. Research grants can be assigned to candidates owing the M.Sc. degree at the submission deadline.
It is not required the presence of candidates for the titles evaluation.
More information in attachments.
Informazioni Tel: +39.050.883.136 - + 39. 050.883.420 - +39.050.883.176