Private sector stakeholders
We interact closely with private sector firms on issues related to innovation, organizational change and new business models. Several faculty members led projects commissioned by, or in collaboration with, firms in the biomedical and healthcare sectors (pharmaceutical, medical devices and biotechnologies), the manufacturing sector, the banking and insurance sectors, and the manufacturing sector at large. We work with small and large companies (e.g., Bracco, A2A, ABB, Agusta Westland, Autostrade, Banca Intesa San Paolo, Barilla, BASF, Carlsberg, Danone, Edison, ENEL, ENI, ERG, Ferrero, Ferrovie dello Stato, FCA, Lavazza, Luxottica, MAPEI, Piaggio, Pirelli, Poste Italiane, Procter & Gamble, ST Microelectronics, Telecom Italia, Tenaris, Terna, UniCredit, Vodafone, Whirlpool, European House Ambrosetti, Finmeccanica, Fincantieri, General Electric, Google, Knauf, Loccioni, Microsoft, SAP) as well as institutional partners (e.g., APRE, Confindustria, OECD, United Nations Global Compact, UNEP, World Business Forum for Sustainable Development, ISTAT, Censis, Ispra, Enea).