The general objective of the FERTIBIO project is to develop and validate biofertilizers for herbaceous and horticultural crops in order to improve soil fertility and reduce the use of mineral fertilizers, maintaining the productivity of crops and improving their quality.
In particular, the specific objectives are four:
- Transfer from laboratory scale to prototype scale the microorganism production process
- To produce biofertilizers in granular formulations and/or pellets based on microorganisms with or without organic materials from tanneries
- To test the application of biofertilizers on various crops (e.g., wheat, barley, sunflower, alfalfa, chickpea, tomato) and spontaneous plants used for restoration
- Train technicians to assist the farmer in biofertilization
Biofertilization will replace mineral fertilizers in toto or partially by the farmers, participants in the Operating Group.
The biofertilizers produced by FERTIBIO represent a product innovation at European level, and can found allocation within the European/global market of biofertilizers providing an excellence for the Tuscany Region.
- Terre dell’Etruria (PI) (Contact person: Leonardo Lulli lulli@terreetruria.it);
- Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (research unit) (Contact person: Elisa Pellegrino elisa.pellegrino@santannapisa.it);
- Idea Verde (company of biofertilizers) (Contact person: Martina Petralli ideaverde@ideaverdeconcimi.it);
- Società Agricola del Bambù (farm) (Contact person: Giorgio Elio Bocchiola studio.bocchiola@gmail.com);
- Azienda Agricola Grappi Luchino (Farm) (Contact person: Amedeo Grappi mulino.valdorcia@libero.it);
- Cooperativa Agricola Spontanea (farm) (Contact person: Andrea Massini andrea@spontanea.bio);
- Azienda Agricola Ughetta Bertini (farm) (Contact person: Ughetta Bertini ughetta.bertini@libero.it);
- Fattoria Le Prata (farm) (Contact person: Alessandro Agostini info@fattorialeprata.it);
- Musu Giuseppe e Francesco (farm) (Contact person: Francesco Musu francescomusu@live.it);
- Rinnovamento Agricolo (farm) (Contact person: Domenico D’Alessio domenico.dalessio@tiscali.it);
- CIA Agricoltori Italiani Toscana (Farmer Association) (Contact person: Cosimo Righini c.righini@cia.it);
- Agricoltura è Vita Etruria (Training Center for Farmers) (Contact person: Lucia Casarosa l.casarosa@aevetruria.it).
The actions of the projects are avialbale at this link: https://fertibio.ciatoscana.eu/azioni/
Link al video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTSWIG8BPMc
Sponsor: European Union, PSR 2014-2020
Thematic: 1.2.13 Reduction of pollutant releases and rationalization of energy inputs (processes, nutrients, etc.)
Measures: 16.2, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Staring time: August 2018
Duration: 3 years (plus 1 year)
Budget: € 326 885
Total budget: € 366 321