EUMA – Creating an EUropean Higher Education Network for MAster’s Programmes in Disaster Risk Management
- Categoria di progetto European Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network – Knowledge for Action in Prevention and Preparedness
- Durata dal 31.12.2023 al 30.12.2025
- Laboratorio/Centro di ricerca Istituto DIRPOLIS
- Finanziamento atteso €732 887
- Quota partner €83 000
- Principal investigator Thomas Glade, Universität Wien
- Responsabili scientifici Emanuele Giuseppe Sommario
- Ruolo della Scuola Partner
Civil protection systems in Europe are confronted with an increasing number and complexity of disasters and crises due to environmental degradation, global warming, demographic, and geopolitical changes. The availability of highly qualified human resources is critical for anticipating, preparing for, managing and recovering from crises. Providing high-level training and education for disaster managers is therefore an essential prerequisite for effective disaster risk management.
EUMA aims to reinforce and increase the capacity of individual staff members of civil protection authorities and disaster managers in the private sector. This will be achieved by establishing a network of universities and higher education institutes across Europe to develop and offer a tailor-made high-level postgraduate Master's degree programme on disaster risk and crisis management.
EUMA will complement existing university courses and foster cooperation within the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network through several practical activities such as topical workshops, summer schools and dedicated scientific publications focusing on the European and international dimensions of disaster risk management. Furthermore, the consortium will establish a feasibility study to map and analyse the relevant national high-level educational programmes for professionals that universities in Europe are currently offering. It will identify good practices, gaps and opportunities to improve educational offerings. It will share knowledge and advance preparedness for disaster managers and experts at the European level.
EUMA is being coordinated by Thomas Glade (Universität Wien). In addition to the Scuola, the other partner universities are Bonn University (Germany), IMT Mines Alès (France), Twente University (The Netherlands), Academy of Security Sciences (Estonia), Dublin City University (Ireland).
As part of the EUMA project, the Scuola is organising a Workshop focused on “Cross-border Humanitarian Assistance: Legal and Institutional Aspects”. The workshop is scheduled for 11 and 12 April 2024 (see here for the call for participation). Additionally, a Summer School is planned for September 2025.
In collaboration with Professor Emanuele Sommario, Riccardo Luporini (Postdoctoral Research Fellow) is assisting in managing the project.