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Intergenerational Justice: Theoretical Models, Pragmatic Challenges – 1. “Sequential dictator game with historical treatment”

  • Categoria di progetto Progetti Internazionali
  • Durata dal 01.09.2017 al 31.03.2018
  • Laboratorio/Centro di ricerca Istituto DIRPOLIS
  • Partner di progetto Columbia University (NY) – CELSS (Columbia Experimental Laboratory for Social Sciences)
  • Responsabili scientifici Alberto Eugenio Ermenegildo Pirni
  • Ruolo della Scuola Coordinatore

The study proposes to investigate in human subjects the preference over distributions of temporally diffused goods (such as scarce resources of climate stability) under different information settings. In particular, we wish to test the role of feedback for the creation of a social norm that can last for several generations (corresponding to rounds of the experimental game), and the role of the first generation (player) in the creation of a fair allocation of resources.​