Industrial Biorobotics Laboratory
Design, development and testing of flying robotic systems for civil and industrial applications

The Industrial BioRobotics Laboratory is a laboratory of The BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna specializing in the design, development and testing of flying robotic systems for civil and industrial applications. Applied research, innovative solutions and systems to improve industrial growth and competitiveness are the main features of the laboratory.
The Industrial BioRobotics Laboratory has solid technical expertise in the following areas: aerodynamic and mechanical design, electronic design, design of control systems based on vision, reverse engineering, integration and experimentation of robotic systems, advanced use of CAE systems for prototypal development.
Currently, the working group is composed of 5 units:
- Stefano Roccella - Coordinator, aeronautical engineer,
- Andrea Spezzaneve – Research assistant, mechanical engineer, PhD in industrial design
- Sirena Cascarano – Research Assistant, aerospace engineer
- Andrea Vannini – Collaborator, computer scientist
- Roberto Lazzarini - Technician, electronic engineer
The research is aimed at the development of Automatic Drones optimized for the performance of tasks in collaboration with the pilot for the execution of aerial work. For this reason, the laboratory investigates innovative artificial intelligence algorithms for the recognition of objects inspired by the flight of birds and genetic algorithms for the design and optimization of mechanical interfaces.
Grants and Publications
- "WINSHOES: When INnovation makes Shoes" - POR CREO FESR 2007-2013 – Regional Project funded by Tuscany Region. Design and development of ICT platform for the realization of high heel shoes.
- "OPERA: Advanced Operating Room" - PAR FAS 2007-2013 – Regional Project funded by Tuscany Region. Design and development of robotics systems for surgical support in surgery.
- "SPRAYBOT: A Robotic Spray Booth for the Automatic Painting of Bodyworks" in the framework of 7th FWP 231143 "ECHORD: European Clearing House for Open Robotics Development".
- "SPRINGHEEL: Design and development of innovative high heel shoes”.
- S. Roccella, F. Vecchi, M.C. Carrozza, “Sole for footwear” - WO2011108011.
- S. Roccella, “Heel for a women's shoe with a high heel” - WO2012IB57355.
- Manzi, S. Roccella, J. Bucchioni, F. Leoni, G. Ferri, T. Fiorelli, "Method and apparatus for painting objects" - WO2013IB54159.
Location and contacts
Polo della Logistica e delle Alte Tecnologie – Dogana D’Acqua
Via del Cedro 38 - 57122 Livorno