BRI - Biodiversity and Business: from Research to Impact 23-24
Deadline for registration - EXTENDED
December 18th, 2023
January 22nd-26th, 2024
Learning objectives
The protection of biodiversity is a global challenge, and the EU aims to lead the way in reversing its loss through its 2030 Biodiversity Strategy. Businesses play a crucial role in developing a model that safeguards and regenerates biodiversity and the ecosystem services they provide. The Seasonal School "Biodiversity and Business: from Research to Impact" is dedicated to tackling the global challenge of biodiversity protection and promoting a regenerative economic development model.
The objectives of the Seasonal School are as follows: (1) examine and promote a development model capable of protecting and regenerating biodiversity and the services that ecosystems provide, from a perspective of regenerative economic development; (2) provide participants with stimuli and tools to understand and measure the impact of business on biodiversity, evaluate risks and opportunities; and (3) foster technological and organizational innovation, encouraging the development of new technological and organizational solutions that foster a regenerative economy that protects natural capital.
The Seasonal School is affiliated with the National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC), an Italian project funded by the European Union's NextGenerationEU initiative. The NBFC, approved by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, involves 48 partners and over 1,300 researchers focused on biodiversity.
Teaching methodologies
The Seasonal School includes frontal lessons with active participation from students, case studies discussion, in-person and virtual testimonies from entrepreneurs, managers and experts in the field of biodiversity, company visits to parks/organizations that contribute to biodiversity protection, and guided group work aimed at promoting discussion among students from different disciplines on the contents learned during the Seasonal School.
Who should attend this Seasonal School
Undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD students from different backgrounds who are interested in acquiring knowledge, skills, and experiences in the broad field of biodiversity and business. The Seasonal School may also include employees from private organizations, public servants, policy makers, etc. among the participants.
Due to the funding allocated to the National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC) project as part of the activities of Spoke 7, activity line 5, involving the Institute of Management at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan financed by the NextGenerationEU program, an amount of 5,000.00 euros is made available for covering registration fees for eligible participants - according to the criteria outlined in the announcement - for the Seasonal School "Biodiversity and Business: From Research to Impact - Academic Year 2023/24" with an indicator of ISEE/alternative income certification indicating lower income based on the documentation submitted during the application phase.
Registration fees will be covered until the available funds are exhausted.
Students from partner universities of the EELISA network who have already benefited from additional grants are excluded from this assistance.
In case of income parity among beneficiaries, the criterion of the chronological order of submission of registration applications will be adopted.