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Call for Applications, PhD Economics 2023

Applications are open for the PhD in Economics, one of the programs connected with the Department of Excellence at the Sant'Anna School. Are you interested? The deadline is April 18, 2023.
Data pubblicazione: 21.02.2023
PhD Economics
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Among the several disciplinary and interdisciplinary doctoral programs connected to the L'EMbeDS community, a prominent role is played by the Ph.D. program in Economics offered by the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa) -- to which the Department of Excellence will contribute several fellowships in its 2023-2027 funding cycle.

The program, which is now accepting applications for five fellowships to start in the Fall of 2023, has a duration of four years.
The first year is devoted to a rich variety of courses taught at Sant’Anna by both internal faculty and external experts (see An additional coursework module is held at Université Côte d'Azur, Nice, France, where students are hosted for two months in the Fall of their second year, benefiting from an agreement between the two universities. After completing the coursework students work on their research projects under the supervision of faculty members, producing a dissertation which can focus on one or more of the many research areas represented by the faculty.
Students actively participate in the lively research environment of the Institute of Economics, where they are involved in seminars, workshops, conferences, and other activities linked to ongoing research projects. The Ph.D. Program is also part of an international network of institutions and scholars, supporting exchanges of research students and faculty.
The main areas of research available to the students through the Institute of Economics, as well as the L'EMbeDS community, include complexity economics, the dynamics of industry and markets, innovation, technical change and economic history, data science for economics and the social sciences (see

The fellowships provide an allowance of 16.243 € (gross income per year) plus several benefits (e.g., free meals at the school canteen, a 50% allowance increase during visiting periods abroad, partial reimbursement for accommodation costs, research funds).
To apply, read the “Call for Applications” at and follow the instructions provided at that site. Application must be completed by April 18th (11:00 a.m. – Italian time)
Further information about the Ph.D program in Economics can be found at, and inquires can be addressed to, or directly to Prof. Alessio Moneta (, the coordinator of the program.