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Regenerative Technologies Laboratory

The Lab grounds on an interdisciplinary approach merging mechatronics, materials science and molecular biology, to achieve tissue\organ healing and regeneration

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The Regenerative Technologies Lab is grounded on a strongly interdisciplinary approach and on a cross-fertilization between mechatronics, materials science, biotechnologies and molecular biology, with the aim of developing new therapeutic systems at different scales.
In this framework, artificial and bioartificial bionic organs are targeted, made of mechatronic systems and advanced implantable materials. Biomaterials for regenerative medicine are also pursued, in synergy with the optimization of technologies for physical stimulation of cells and tissues. New flexible and scalable biohybrid machines, integrating living cells and tissues with artificial components, are also explored.
Finally, miniaturized drug delivery systems are pursued, to face cancer and other severe pathologies in a highly targeted way.

For additional information:

Principal Investigator

Prof. Leonardo Ricotti  - Download Curriculum Vitae 


Profiles of the Lab key people

Active projects 

ADMAIORA "ADvanced nanocomposite MAterIals fOr in situ treatment and ultRAsound-mediated management of osteoarthritis" - Call: H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2018, Research and Innovation action;
ImmUniverse - european project funded by Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI 2), a Joint Undertaking of the European Union and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA);
FORGETDIABETES - programme Future & Emerging Technologies Proactive Horizon 2020 - Grant agreement ID: 951933;
MIO-PRO: a new human-machine interface for the control of prostheses (a collaboration between The BioRobotics Institute and INAIL (National Workers’ Compensation) Prosthetic Center);
REBORN (Remodelling of the infarcted heart: piezoelectric multifunctional patch enabling the sequential release of of therapeutic factors), funded by the European Commission, HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-13;
BioMeld (A modular framework for designing and producing biohybrid machines), funded by the European Commission, HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-27.

Recent publications