NEBIAS project, funded by European Commission (ICT-2013.9.6) and led by Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, aims at developing an upper limb neuro-prosthesis controlled by the peripheral nervous system and able to provide tactile sensations to the user. The grant involves three research areas of The Biorobotics Institute: Translational Neural Engineering Area (the responsible is Silvestro Micera, project coordinator), Artificial Hands Area and Human Machine Nexus Laboratory.
The european partners are: Laboratory for Biomedical Microtechnology (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg), Institute of Neuroscience (Universitat Autonoma Barcelona), Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Università di Cagliari), Institute of Neurology (Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore), Reserach Group Primate Neurobiology (Deutsches Primatenzentrum GmbH, Gottingen).
The goal of the grant is to develop and clinically evaluate a neuro-controlled upper limb prosthesis intuitively controlled and felt by the amputee as the natural one. This will be possible by means of a novel neural interface able to provide a stable and very selective connection with the nervous system. The interface will be capable, on one side, of recording motor-related signals governing the actions of the amputated hand/arm for the motor control of a mechanical prosthesis, and on the other of providing sensory feedback from tactile and kinesthetic sensors through neuromorphic stimulation of the adequate afferent pathway within the residual limb.
Nebias is a natural evolution of two projects coordinated by Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies: CyberHand and Neurobotics. These projects have developed a prosthetic hands with neuromuscular feedback. the web site of the project.