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Leadership and Personnel

Our MANAGING BOARD was formed at the beginning of the first cycle in 2018, and then expanded first in 2022 and then in 2023 - with the beginning of the second cycle of the Department of Excellence. The board currently comprises (in alphabetical order):

  • Nicola Bellè is Associate Professor at the Institute of Management of the Sant’Anna School. His research focuses on behavioral human resource management. Prior to joining the Sant’Anna School, Nicola was an assistant professor at Bocconi University and a faculty member of the SDA Bocconi School of Management, where he used to serve as the managing editor of the Observatory on Change in Public Administration.
  • Francesca Chiaromonte is the Scientific Coordinator of L'EMbeDS. At Sant’Anna, she is a Full Professor of Statistics in the Institute of Economics, and the internal referent for the national PhD in AI & Society. She also teaches Statistics and directs the Institute for Genome Sciences (one of the Huck Institutes) at the Pennsylvania State University. She develops methods for the analysis of large, high-dimensional and complex data, and applies such methods in several scientific fields – including contemporary “Omics” sciences, Meteorology and Economics. She holds a PhD in Statistics from the University of Minnesota (USA) and a Laurea in Statistics and Economic Sciences from the University of Rome La Sapienza. She is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and of the Institute for Mathematical Statistics.
  • Lino Cinquini is Full Professor of Management Accounting and Business Administration and the current Director of the Institute of Management of the Sant’Anna School. Previously he had professorships at the University “Parthenope” of Naples (2001-2004) and at the University of Pisa (1998-2001 as Associate Professor, 1992-1997 as Lecturer and Senior Lecturer). He holds a PhD in in Economia Aziendale (Business Administration) from the University of Pisa in 1990.
  • Giovanni Comandè is Full Professor of Private Comparative Law at the DIRPOLIS Institute of the Sant’Anna School, and is the founder and Director of the LIDER-LAB ( He has broad international experience, directs top ranking law journals, and acts as external scientific evaluator, ethical expert or consultant for the EU Commission and several academic, funding and policy institutions around the world. His research concerns law and technology, data protection and privacy, ethics and legal issues in research, tort law and personal injury damages, comparative law, European private law, health law and information society law (privacy, e-commerce and algorithm regulation), ADR.
  • Paolo Ferragina is Full Professor in Computer Science, he joined L’EMbeDS and the Class of Social Sciences at the Sant’Anna School in June 2024. He is a member of several prestigious committees and boards, including the Scientific Advisory Committee of the CNR national department, the Steering Committees for SIAM Symposium and the Ph.D. in Computer Science at Pisa-Florence-Siena, and the Scientific Board of the National Ph.D. in AI for Society. He also serves on the Advisory Board for the Master in Big Data Analytics & AI for Society, and the Working Group on AI and Justice. Additionally, he co-directs the International Ph.D. School “Jacob T. Schwartz” on Computational Social Sciences, and is an editor for the Encyclopedia of Algorithms and the Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies, as well as a board member of the Journal on Graph Algorithms and Applications. His research focuses on algorithms and data structures for Big Data, leading to collaborations with prestigious institutions like MIT and Harvard. He has received several international awards, including the 2022 ACM Paris Kanellakis award for the FM-index discovery.
  • Giulio Ferrigno is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Management of the Sant’Anna School. He held visiting positions at University of Cambridge (UK), Tilburg University, and University of Umea. His research concerns the implementation of Industry 4.0 and the use of big data in innovation management. His work highlights best practices, performance analyses, and societal implications of companies adopting these technologies.
  • Francesco Lamperti is Associate Professor at the Institute of Economics of the Sant’Anna School and a Scientist at the RFF-CMCC European Institute of Economics and the Environment (Milan). He also co-leads the Complexity Modelers Society (CoMoS) within L'EMbeDS. His research interests focus on macroeconomics, agent-based and integrated assessment modeling, climate change economics, and the dynamics of natural disasters. Further, he is interested in the assessment of novel low-carbon technologies and their diffusion dynamics. Francesco holds a Bachelor and a Master of Science in Economics from Bocconi University (Milan) and, in 2016, he obtained a Ph.D. in Economics from the Sant’Anna.
  • Alessia Macchia is the Director General of the Sant’Anna School. She graduated in Business Economics from the University of Pisa and obtained a PhD from Sant'Anna, after which she gained extensive experience in the public administration sector and in HR management. In particular, she served as Administrative Director of the USL 2 Lucca Health Unit (2012-2015) and as Director of Human Resources Management of the USL Toscana Nord Ovest Health Unit, managing over 13,200 employees.
  • Andrea Mina  is one of the Associate Scientific Coordinators of L'EMbeDS. At the Sant’Anna School he is Full Professor of Economics at the Institute of Economics,  as well as the School's Pro-Rector for International Relations. Until October 2016 he was University Lecturer in Economics of Innovation at the Cambridge Judge Business School, of which he is now a Research Fellow. In Cambridge he was also Senior Research Associate of the Centre for Business Research and Director of Economic Studies and Fellow of St Edmund’s College. 
  • Gaetana Morgante is Full Professor of Criminal Law and the Director of the Dirpolis Institute of the Sant'Anna School. She carries out research activities in Criminal Law focusing on following subject matters within the remit of criminal justice: public and private corruption, criminal labour law, principles of criminal responsibility in risky activities, models of corporate liability, legal tools for fighting illegal markets. She have been also engaged in the analysis of organised crime and terrorism, protection of vulnerable persons and gender-based victimisation. Her research interests as well as her teaching activities over the years have been related to other criminal law topics, such as general theory of the crime, international and European criminal law and justice and criminal law and cultural heritage.
  • Sabina Nuti is Full Professor of Health Management at the Institute of Management of the Sant’Anna School, coordinator of the Management and Health Laboratory (MeS), and the Rector of the School. Her research concerns performance evaluation systems, efficiency and governance mechanism in health care. She coordinates the Inter-regional performance evaluation systems (, has been a member of Expert Panels and Joint Assessment Frameworks for the European Commission, and is a member of the Scientific Committee of the National Outcome Program of the National Italian Agency for Regional Health Services.
  • Alessandro Nuvolari is Full Professor of Economic History and the former Director of the Institute of Economics of the Sant’Anna School. Prior to becoming director, he was the coordinator of the PhD program in Economics at Sant’Anna. A graduate of Bocconi University with a PhD in Economics from the Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands), his research is focused on the role played by science and technology in the emergence and consolidation of economic growth both in historical and contemporary contexts.
  • Andrea Piccaluga is Full Professor of Innovation Management and the former Director of the Institute of Management of the Sant’Anna School. In addition, he is the President of Netval (, the Italian network of University Technology Transfer Offices, and has launched the DBA programs at Sant'Anna ( He holds a PhD from Sant'Anna and a Master in Technology and Innovation Management from SPRU (University of Sussex, Brighton UK).
  • Andrea Roventini is Full Professor of Political Economy and the current Director of the Institute of Economics of the Sant'Anna School. He was also the coordinator of the European H2020 project "Growth Welfare Innovation Productivity" (GROWINPRO) and coordinator of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies unit in the Economics of Energy Innovation and System Transition (EEIST) project. His main research interests include the analysis of complex systems, computational economics based on heterogeneous agents, economic growth, business cycles and crises, innovation and structural change, climate change, and the study of the effects of monetary, fiscal, innovation, industrial and policies to face climate change.
  • Chiara Seghieri is one of the Associate Scientific Coordinators of L'EMbeDS. At the Sant’Anna School she is Associate Professor at Institute of Management. She works on a variety of health policy and health care research projects and her current research interests include the use of statistical methods for the measurement and assessment of health care quality and equity using observational data from both sample surveys and administrative records.
  • Caterina Sganga is one of the Associate Scientific Coordinators of L'EMbeDS. At Sant’Anna School she is Associate Professor at the the Institute of DIRPOLIS of the. Prior to her appointment at the School, she was Assistant and later Associate Professor of Law at the Department of Legal Studies and the Department of Economics and Business of the Central European University (CEU, 2012-2018). She holds a PhD in Comparative Private Law from Sant’Anna, an LLM from the Yale Law School, and an LLB and JD from University of Pisa. Her research concerns international and comparative intellectual property law, with a focus on European copyright law, IP and new technologies (esp. AI and data science), the balance between IP and human rights, and data ownership and management in the era of big data.
  • Andrea Tenucci is Associate Professor at the Institute of Management of of the Sant’Anna School. His main fields of research are cost accounting and management in servitizing contexts, strategic management accounting, performance measurement and accounting history. He is furthermore doing research on Integrated Reporting and ESG measures/reporting.
  • Andrea Vandin is Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Institute of Economics of of the Sant’Anna School. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at DTU Technical University of Denmark, where he held appointments as assistant and then associate professor before joining Sant'Anna. In the past, he was also a visiting Professor at the IMT School for Advanced Studies in Lucca. He research covers several areas of Computer Science, and he pursues an interdisciplinary approach, especially at the interfaces of Computer Science with the Social Sciences, and with Biology.

Cristiana Bettelli and Guido Cei are our Administrative Officers. Sima Sarv Ahrabi and Emanuele Guerrazzi are our Data Engineers.