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Robotics and Neuroscience for robotic and pharmaceutical rehabilitation of the central nervous system

Joint Lab with Institute of Neuroscience of the CNR of Pisa

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The laboratory is based on the close relationship between neuroscientists, bioengineers, neurorehabilitationists and neurologists. The laboratory is the result of a collaboration between the Translational Neural Engineering Area (Prof. Micera) and the Institute of Neuroscience of the CNR of Pisa (Dr. Matteo Caleo).
The research areas of the area are: Investigation of the neuroscientific basis of different types of disabilities and pathologies such as stroke and epilepsy; Development of robots for post-stroke neurorehabilitation; Fostering the bridge between scientific and technological research and clinical practice.
Current research activities include: study of brain function after stroke (anatomy, electrophysiology, behaviour); robot-based motor rehabilitation in a rodent model of stroke; epilepsy-induced modifications of visual function; closed-loop detection and suppression of epileptic seizures.

Principal Investigator

Dr. Alberto Mazzoni

Locations and Contacts

Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 1 - 56124 Pisa 
Phone: 050-3153206 


Recent Publications