REPAIR Lab - Rehabilitation Engineering and Prosthetics Applied Innovation & Research

The REPAIR Lab results from a collaboration between The BioRobotics Institute and the INAIL (National Workers’ Compensation) Prosthetic Center. The main research fields of the lab are: biorobotics, prosthetic devices and interfaces, neurorobotics and recovery of motor and sensory functions after amputation or neurological injury. The objective is to bridge the engineering research and development with the rehabilitation activities conducted by physicians and therapists in direct contact with the patients.
Currently INAIL funds the following projects:
- ADJOINT 2: Sensorised osseointegrated implants for the treatment of hand finger amputations
- BioARMNext: Portable exoskeleton for the rehabilitation and care of the plexus-leso patient: follow-up
- BioInterNect: Bi-directional multi-mode bionic interfaces
- HandEval: Integrated assessment system for functional hand recovery
- HABILIS++: The project aims to develop novel wearable robotic devices for robot-assisted rehabilitation and functional hand recovery of workers affected by occupational diseases or following work-related injuries
- eLiner: Cuffia smart con sensoristica integrata e stimoli aptici per il controllo di protesi avanzate
- MioPRO 2: Muscoli ingegnerizzati paziente-specifici per il ripristino di canali mioelettrici e il controllo di protesi
- MOTU++: A new generation of lower-limb prostheses for people with a lower extremity amputation
- NoProblem: Nocicezione e propriocezione per il monitoraggio efficace degli arti robotici
- OsteoAMI: Treatment of lower limb amputation by osseointegration and myoneural interfaces
- WOUND: Active patches and biophysical stimulation to accelerate healing of chronic wounds
Past projects include:
- BioARM: The project aims to develop an innovative and completely portable upper-limb active orthosis, for patients having brachial plexus injury
- BioSUP: Innovative and modular solutions for the restoration of urinary function following neurological damage or surgical removal
- CECA 2020: A new generation of high-tech upper prostheses, able to restore motor and sensory skills of amputees
- METACOS: Alternativa alle protesi tradizionali di arto superiore e inferiore attraverso la tecnica dell'osseointegrazione, che consente la connessione diretta della protesi allo scheletro dei pazienti amputati utilizzando un impianto in titanio chiamato fixture
- MioPRO: A new human-machine interface for the control of prostheses
- PPR3: Development of new biomimetic, articulated and instrumented prosthetic finger phalanges, both controlled by invasive and non-invasive interfaces
- RELIEF: A series of implantable devices that can be an effective solution to the problem of urinary incontinence
Principal Investigators
Prof. Christian Cipriani
Eng. Emanuele Gruppioni