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Innovative and modular solutions for the restoration of urinary function following neurological damage or surgical removal

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BioSUP (Bionic Solutions for Urinary impaired People) aims to develop innovative and modular solutions for the restoration of urinary function following neurological damage or surgical removal. Specifically, artificial components (sphincters, detrusors and bladder) will be interfaced with the residual biological components of the urinary system and with the patient's nervous system. This system will allow the integration and biomimetic control of artificial and neuro-integrated constructs, as well as the return of sensory feedback. The development of external control interfaces will allow the patient to monitor and control the implanted system. The project involves two areas of The BioRobotics Institute in synergy with the research department of the INAIL Prosthesis Center, coordinated by Emanuele Gruppioni: the medical robotics area, led by Arianna Menciassi, will focus on the biomechanical development of the device, while the neuroengineering research team, led by Silvestro Micera will be responsible for neurointegration.

PERIOD:  2020-2023 (36 MONTHS)
BUDGET:  1.350.000 €

Principal investigators

Prof. Arianna Menciassi
Prof. Silvestro Micera
Eng. Emanuele Gruppioni
Dr. Simona Castellano

Scientific publications

  • A. Giannotti, I. Strauss, S. Musco, F.A. Recchia, G. Del Popolo, S. Micera (2021), Pudendal Nerve Stimulation to Restore Bladder Fullness Perception, 10th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER).
  • A. Giannotti, I. Strauss, S. Musco, F. Bernini, C. Lenzi, A. Coli, E. Giannessi, F. A. Recchia, G. Del Popolo, S. Micera (2021), Surgical access and stimulation of pudendal nerve in pigs to restore the micturition controlInternational Continence Society (ICS) – accepted for conference.
  • A. Giannotti, I. Strauss, S. Musco, F. Bernini, C. Lenzi, A. Coli, E. Giannessi, F.A. Recchia, G. Del Popolo, S. Micera (2021), Surgical access and stimulation of pudendal nerve in pigs to restore the micturition control. 45° National Congress ‘Società Italiana di Urodinamica’ (SIUD) – accepted for conference.
  • F. Semproni, M. Ibrahimi, I. Tamadon, V. Iacovacci, A. Menciassi (2021). An innovative system based on bioimpedance measurements to define the bladder volume. 47° ESAO Congress – accepted for conference.